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Returning to work with confidence-Part 1

Interview with Ira Bechtel, Interim Manager Marketing/Freelancer, Frankfurt returned to work after her two children and managing her family.

Ira, after your Marketing career in London, you had two children in 2001 and again in 2004.

1.) When did you decide to return to work? And what brought you to the decision to take a longer break?

I thought I will be back at work after 6 weeks as I loved my job a lot but surprisingly I loved being a mum even more at the time being. Furthermore my employer was not flexible to let me work part-time so that I decided to stay a few years at home.

2.) What were your fears, if any?

My biggest fear: 

  • Will I find a job again? 
  • Will I still be able to do my work? Did the marketing world change so much that I will not able to cope? How will the new colleagues look at me “ Mum is coming back at work!”.
  • What if I need to work much more hours, who will take care of the kids?
  • Will I manage to work and have still enough time for my kids? Won’t I miss major development of them while I am working?

3.) What are the main takeaways from that time?

Yes, one has forgotten a few things and the world did not stay still but being a mum made me a little bit more relaxed with tasks at work and funnily enough a lot of young colleagues of mine come to me to ask for advise and were curious how I handle kids and work.

4.) When did you decide to go back to work?

After 1 Year staying at home I felt I wanted to work again but only a few hours and was called by my old boss to do a small project for him. That worked perfectly for me. But after my second child I made a break of 4 years and felt again I wanted to work part-time. I am very happy to be a mother and love spending time with my kids but more and more I felt completely outside from my old life and colleagues.

5.) What steps did you take pre, during and post maternity leave?

I did some small projects for my old boss, tried to stay in touch with my colleagues but it was difficult as I had moved away from the UK to Germany.

6.) How important was your network and networking during that time?

Spreading the word that I am looking for a new projects led to some contacts. I updated my Xing profile and in the end I was contacted by potential companies through that platform.

7.) Do you have a mentor/mentors? Career sponsors / coaches? 

Not really, but I must say it helped a lot that my partner supported me and pushed me to be confident.

8.) Who were the key people who supported you?

My husband.

9.) Did you ask for help? If yes, what kind of help and from whom?

I talked to all my girlfriends that worked at the time, asked old contacts if they had heard of new marketing projects, jobs.

10.) How did you manage or keep or regain your confidence regarding work?

I just started my first projects and felt really unsure but day by day I gained my confident back – but slowly. 

11.) How did the first three months looked like and how did you feel about it?

I was very organised, did reduce my private life to ensure everything runs smoothly at home and I was fit for work. Everything took me much longer than my team mates until I understood the new systems. I checked everything 5 times to make sure I did not oversee anything. It was tough but in a way I was proud of myself that I did it.

12.) What are the advantages and disadvantages being an Interim Manager ? 

I can work part-time! If one needs an interim manager most companies are in real need of extra help and compromise that I am only working 3- 4 days. I can decide when I am on holiday with my family and best of all, I can choose my projects.

13.) (If any) What were the challenges you faced managing work/ family? E.g. reactions from managers, peers, team members? How did you make it work?

All my friends were very supportive, helped with picking up kids if I was running late etc. It is really important to have good friends and a good network – BUT never overstress them and only use your network when you really need help. 

One have to be very organised and be very strict with work hours. People know when I work and how long I can work so that it is not a surprise, one always need to manage expectations, it’s annoying but so you don’t let colleagues down as they know what they can expect. Be clear in your mind what are the priorities at work – every day! Even chatting to the team is really important, I hardly ever do it as I have in mind my available hours and my projects – that is the biggest challenge, clients always ask for more! 

But I have to say most of my clients are very open to interim and all colleagues very friendly and open minded towards “the new”. 

13.) What is your advice for women who go back to work with confidence after a break?

It will be really tough and in the beginning I was doubting my decision but close your eyes and go through with every week you will feel better! And ask team mates lots of questions in the beginning, they know you are new, after a months it is much more difficult!

We are  mums and had so many tasks and challenges that we handled – we know what is important and what is “a nice to have” in live. 

14.) What would you tell the women who are saying that they fear taking up a new role/leadership position after returning from maternity?

Go for it, you cannot lose anything! If you don’t try you will not know and the longer you wait the tougher it will be.

15.) Any book/resources recommendations?

I read magazines that were important for my job just to keep the “vocabulary” and feel more confident.

Thank you very much Ira for taking the time for this interview and sharing your learnings with us.

Link to the interview:

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